
Borehole soakaways present an alternative to standard soakaways, particularly in situations where existing systems are inadequate or faulty, or the near-surface geology consists of impermeable materials like clay. These boreholes are designed to reach more permeable layers beneath the surface, improving drainage efficiency.

How Do Soakaway Boreholes Work?

Functioning much like a reverse water well, soakaway boreholes allow water to disperse into the ground instead of storing it. This makes them an ideal solution for managing excess water and inadequate surface drainage, especially in areas prone to high rainfall or flood-risk areas.

Once installed they require minimal maintenance and should last many years.

Pre-installation assessment

To ensure the longevity and best performance of a soakaway borehole, permeability tests are conducted prior to installation to determine the suitability of the local geology.

Benefits of Soakaways 

  • Space-saving
  • Minimal maintenance post-installation
  • High efficiency, reducing the risk of waterlogging and flooding
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